“Złowrogi podmuch” – olej na płótnie format 45x35cm
“Ukryte marzenia” – olej na płótnie format 35x45cm
- “Skrywana tajemnica” – olej na płótnie format 33x46cm
“Samotna podróż” – olej na płótnie format 33x46cm
“Pozorna wolność” – olej na płótnie format 38x46cm
“Odyseja wspomnień” olej na płótnie format 38x46cm
“Obłęd podróży” olej na płótnie format 30x45cm
“Niesamowita opowieść człowieka z La Manchy” olej na płótnie format 30x45cm
- “Na przeciw światu – Temida” olej na płótnie format 46x33cm
“Na krańcu świata” olej na płótnie format 35x45cm
“Miraż” olej na płótnie format 33x46cm
na sprzedaż
- “Kołysanka” olej na płótnie format 45x30cm
- “Imperium Midasa” olej na płótnie format 33x46cm
- “Cisza przed burzą” olej na płótnie format 30x45cm
“Ciekawe spotkanie” olej na płótnie format 38x46cm”
“Przymierze z Bogiem – Arka Noego” 100x200cm
Meteorologiczny instrumentalista 100×60
Gdy przychodzi natchnienie 60×90
- Rozmowa z Aniołem 100×70
- “Kamienna Gorgona” 110x70cm
“Śmiercionośna Meduza” 30x40cm
“W obronie wolności – Joanna d’Ark” – 100x70cm
“Legion Boga” – 40x70cm
“Kolonizacja wszechświata” – 100x80cm
“Purifying the Ghost of the Earth” 50x70cm
“The Railway of the Parallel Worlds” 60x80cm
“Memory of the Rock Empire” 60x90cm
“Goddess of Revenge” 35x45cm
“Sleeping Chamber” 45x35cm
Light and Darkness” 120x90cm
“History of an Unknown Expedition” 70x90cm
“The Night Abbey” 120x90cm
“Journey to the Centre of the Earth” 100x130cm
“The Arcana of a Secret Book” 40x50cm
“Passage” 60x80cm
“Genesis of Evolution” 120x40cm
“Awaiting” 40x50cm
“Examination of Conscience” 50cm
“Frivolous Instrument” 30x40cm
“Reflection of the Soul” 30x40cm
“Futurist Ark” 30x50cm
“Exhausted to Death” 30x40cm
“Rejecting the Past, Stopping the Future” 70x90cm
“Iron Gentleman” 100x60cm
“Resurging of the Sleeping Justice” 100x80cm
“Fata Morgana” 100x60cm
“Mysterium” 100x60cm
“A Struggle with Inner Demons – Don Quixote” 100x50cm
“Angel of God, My Guardian Dear” 60x90cm
“A Transporting Armada” 50x70cm
“A Forgotten Flight of a Globe-Trotter” 50x65cm
“Sadness of the Emigration” 60x70cm
“Oratorio for the Creation of the World” 46x55cm
“Quartet at the End of Time” 46x55cm
“Time Flowing Out” 46x55cm
“Tearing the Shells of Solitude” 33x41cm
“Lost in Chaos” 33x41cm
“Duchess of the Ocean” 33x41cm
“Wind Whisperer” 33x46cm
“Preludium for Sunset” 38x46cm
“In Pursuit of the Golden Mean” 40x50cm
“Contemplation Cathedral” 100x70cm
“Air Fight of Fanciful Corsages” 100x70cm
“A Meeting of Forrest Creatures” 73x65cm
“History of Life” 73x65cm
“Timid Fight of Forces – Day of Judgment” 60x92cm
“Wanderer’s Alchemy” 40x60cm
As an expression of thanks for cooperation to the actress K.Bujakiewicz
“City of Ghosts” As an expression of thanks for cooperation to the actress A.Woźniak 50x80cm
“City in the Mist” 30x40cm
“An Enchanted Window of an Old Wizard” 30x40cm
„Tryptyk-daru i wizji” format: 50x70cm
, 100x50cm
, 50x70cm
Private Collection
“A Gate to the World of Magic” 100x50cm
„Nowy świat, nowa nadzieja” 30x40cm
“Secrets of a Clock” 30x40cm
“Enslaved by Fantasy” 50x70cm
private collection
“Sleeping Before the Unknown” 60x90cm
“A Walk in the Clouds” 60x90cm
“A Galactic Megapolis” ” 60x90cm
“A Diptych of Justice” 100x80cm
“A lesson of the Edge of the World” ” 100x80cm
“Temple of Stories” ” 100x80cm
“Building of an Air City” ” 100x80cm
“Legendary Atlantis” ” 40x60cm
“Hunter of a Blue Angel” ” 40x60cm
“Atlantis – a Lost Land” ” 46x55cm
“Dalida – Dream of an Opera” ” 50x60cm
“Underwater Atlantis” ” 100x250cm
“Sleeping Gate” (primed canvas on board, 15x21cm
“Donjon” (primed canvas on board, 15x21cm
“Queen of the Frost City” (primed canvas on board, 24×30 cm
“Chimeras of the Power” 60x60cm
“Collapse of Identity” 24x33cm
“Last Breath of Solitude” 24x33cm
“Four Forces of Apocalypse – Self-Portrait” 40x60cm
Private Collection
“A Route to Southwest” 40x60cm
“Good News” 40x50cm
“Dead Silence” 100x50cm
“At a Guard” 100x120cm
“Gate to the Future” 50x50cm
“Night Dreams” 40x60cm
“A Stronghold of Knowledge” 40x60cm
“Harlequin Foretelling Turning of Day into Night” 50x80cm
“Avenue of Dreams” 50x70cm
“A Mystic Ball” 100x80cm
Trumpeting the Return of the King” 40x60cm
The Army Parading Through the Streets of the Barbatos’ s City” 50x80cm
“The Magic Palantir Portending the Future” 100x70cm
“A Prophetic Dream” 100x130cm
“A Gate to an Old City Ruins” 50x50cm
„Zeitellipse“ 100x130cm
„Tryptic – the Eternal Kings of the World” 100x130cm
“Tryptic – the Eternal Kings of the World” 100x130cm
“Demonic Speed” (oil on canvas 100x70cm
“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse on Paymon’s Sea” 100×70 cm